Provide midday movement for your pet
We can help break up the day for your pet by providing a daily walk, playtime or snuggle time, and lots of attention. A regular midday visit, including a potty break and walk will relieve the boredom and stress your pet may feel by being alone all day. This can reduce or eliminate mischief and other unwanted behavior and will really brighten up your pet’s day.
Routine, Comfort, Safety
Because dogs thrive on routine and tend to form tight bonds with their walkers, we try to assure your pet will have the same walker each visit.
For everyone's safety and comfort, we will never walk your dog(s) with dogs from another household. Your dog's time is their time! If you have multiple dogs that need to be walked individually, just let us know and we are happy to accommodate.
Customized care
Your pet sets the tone and we adapt to the client. Whether your dog (or cat!) is young and active and needs a brisk walk, wants nothing more than to play ball, or would rather just potty then settle down for some snuggles, we will provide what they need.

Our team has experience with all types of animals, from horses, goats, llamas, sheep, alpacas, and chickens to gerbils, guinea pigs, and bearded dragons.
We frequently give meds, administer eyedrops, and wrap wounds as needed. We are thrilled to have many senior clients!

Your pet’s schedule is maintained
Feeding, walking, playtime, naptime, medications, etc. are provided as in their normal daily routine, all in the comfort of their own home.
No travel trauma
For either you or your pet. No need for last-minute trips to the kennel and sad good-byes. Just leave your home as you do each day, with your pet safe and secure inside.
Home security
Your pet sitter’s regular visits will maintain a lived-in appearance at your house while you are away. Your pet sitter will bring in the mail and newspaper, turn lights on and off and open and close drapes or blinds.
Comfort of home/No communal kennel
Your pet is not exposed to the illness of other animals, nor required to have additional shots.
Love and attention
Your pet receives one-on-one love and attention while you are away. Animals are as excited to see us as we are to see them. We know them, their likes and quirks, and they are truly our
good friends.

Our dog walking and cat cuddling services will provide your animal(s) with:
Exercise, movement, and potty time
Fresh air in rain, snow, or sunshine
Mental health and stimulation
Enrichment through play and interaction
Company during a day home alone
Relaxation with a human friend
Love and attention

Your pet is our top priority. Contact us to see what we can do for you! Our dog walking and pet sitting services are Madison’s best!
What sets Madison Wisconsin’s A+ Dog Walking apart from other services is the personalized attention we give to our clients' pets. We don’t just go through the motions of dog walking or pet sitting. We are very aware that your relationship with your pet is rooted in love -- just like us and our own animals.
Since 2006, A+ Dog Walking has aimed to stand in your shoes and continue to give the same love and care that you do so your pet feels comfortable even when you are gone.